Monday, December 11, 2017

F-Troop - Monday 11th December 2017

F-Troop Morning Tea - Duncan Dyer, Steve Hogg, Kevin O'Brien,
Peter Martin, Sam Knox, Mark Stimpson, Anne Burgess, Ron Gowing,
Di Beechey, John Hollebon, Rob Benson, Jan Martin, Andy Henebury,
Terry Coyle, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, (Garry Trigg)

Hedge at the 4th trimmed, watered and sprayed

Hedge at the 18th trimmed and looking great

new decorative potted plants on the outdoor verandah

Mandevillia replanted into a bigger pot
on the 6th tranquility garden

Mandevillia at the back of the 5th green

We had a great day for F-Troop projects today made all the better for most of our volunteers (17)being on hand to contribute.

On hand were Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien, Steve Hogg, Garry Trigg, Rob Benson, Terry Coyle, John Hollebon, Don Nicholls, Ron Gowing, Andy Henebury, Sam Knox, Mark Stimpson, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess & Jan Martin.

We were able to make some good inroads into our projects including preparation of firewood, rubbish and loose timber pick up around the course, hedge maintenance at the 18th, hedge maintenance at the 4th, clean up of the front street gardens, clean up of the car park, clean up around the clubhouse, 1st and 10th tees, Xanadu gardens, wedding garden and practice nets, cleaning of the bush toilets, watering the greenspace gardens, watering and fertilizing the trumpet vines at the 14th tee, repotting of the mandevillias at the 6th tranquility garden and back of the 5th green, watering the 9th ladies tee garden and the bike garden, watering the Xanadu gardens and 1st and 10th tee gardens, watering pots in the wedding gazebo, dead heading the roses at the putting green, trimming the lower branches of the lily pilly at the 10th tee, watering and clean up of potted plant upstairs.

We certainly earned our morning tea today and we thank Barto for our munchies which were appreciated.


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