Monday, September 7, 2015

F-Troop Monday 7th September 2015

F-Troop Morning Tea - Duncan Dyer, Gary Trigg, Warren Gray, John Hollebon, Rob Benson,Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien, (Trevor Harrison, Jan Martin)

Damaged tree removed at the 1st fairway

Native grevillea shrubs trimmed at the 4th fairway

The paint Brush bulbs flowering (thanks Julie Hazzard)

We had a great day for working on our F-Troop projects and we had eleven volunteers to share the load.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien, Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Garry Trigg, John Hollebon, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge and Garry Trigg removed a damaged Liquid Amber Tree on the first fairway and trimmed some native Grevillea shrubs on the 4th fairway.

John Hollebon started on the trimming of the camellias on the 11th tee.

Warren Gray and Rob Benson kept busy on rubbish pick up around the course.

Di Beechey and Anne Burgess tidied up at the front steps of the club, watered the wedding garden and pots, finished off the garden at the back of the 5th green, mulching the garden in preparation of adding more grevillea plants, purchased some red hedge plants which are going to be planted at the 4th tee.

I did my usual clean up at the 14th Bush Toilet area, removed fireweed at the 13th tee, around the dam at the 7th fairway and the dam at the 3rd fairway, tidied up at the 13th tee garden, tidied up the Ladies 3rd Tee, checked the proposed new hedge area at the 4th, cleaned up the water feature at the 1st, topped up the pots at the putting green area with more potting mix. 

It was disappointing to find our new orchid at the 14th had been disturbed. I hope it was not a 2 legged animal that did this.  The orchid has been replanted and seems no worse for the experience.

We enjoyed a morning tea of savoury breads and muffins and cakes for morning tea - Thanks Barto!

I was happy to see our Paintbrush Bulbs have flowered again this year after all the heavy rain we had.

F-Troop received a donation of a 6x4 trailer from Michael Crehan this morning that is greatly appreciated.  Thank you Michael. That will be useful for our projects and timber delivery next winter.


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